11 Tiny Home Builders Solutions to Big Tiny Home Challenges

May 31, 2018


With so many things to consider when buying and/or building a tiny home, we gathered 11 tiny house builder experts and asked them: 

What's the biggest challenge to living tiny for new tiny home owners and what advice would you give to solve that issue?

Their expert insights will help you on your tiny home journey. 


"Its great to have multi function / purpose items but not to have everything like that...Practical design in your small space will ensure you many happy years living tiny!"


 Tiny House Basics Website

 Tiny House Basics Instagram 

 Tiny House Basics Facebook 

"It may be tempting to have everything in a tiny house perform dual functions (i.e. a couch that is also storage) but to make Tiny living practical for the long term we encourage you to really evaluate everything you have and if it really needs to be dual function. day to day life in a small space can get a little frustrating if you have to perform multi-steps tasks to do something simple like sitting at a table to eat breakfast or dinner or even sitting on a couch. Its great to have multi function / purpose items but not to have everything like that. Somethings in our 374sq/ft Tiny House we have learned in the past 3.5 years living tiny house that are good to keep single function: Couch, Eating Area, Bed, Shower & Stove (cooking appliances) the key theme among those items being things you touch or interact with every single day. We recommend keeping the multi-purpose functions for the items and things you may not be using on a daily basis. Practical design in your small space will ensure you many happy years living tiny!"


"Keeping your tiny house in tiptop shape will require persistence and vigilance to make sure your investment in the structure - and your home - is protected."


 Tiny House Crafters Website




 Tiny House Crafters Facebook

 Tiny House Crafters Instagram

"A big challenge in going tiny is actually owning the physical tiny house itself! This will mean taking responsibility for parking it legally, moving it safely, and maintaining the structure over time. You must be ready to adapt to changing seasons - not just protecting your utilities from the cold and fixing broken things, but also keeping up with how the tiny house movement changes over time and where your house may or may not be welcome. Keeping your tiny house in tiptop shape will require persistence and vigilance to make sure your investment in the structure - and your home - is protected. Plainly, you must be the master of your tiny house and accept responsibility for each and every element involved, from the intangible advocacy of the tiny house movement to the everyday consumption of resources to breaking out the toolbox when something needs to be fixed - it's all up to you."

Anderson, Bob, Kate, Vermont serving New England and beyond


"We suggest going about your normal day in your current home and marking everything you touch with a sticky note."


 Arched Cabins Website

 Arched Cabins Instagram

 Arched Cabins Facebook

"Most of our clients who are going tiny don't know what to include in their new tiny house plan and what not to include. We suggest going about your normal day in your current home and marking everything you touch with a sticky note. Do this for a week with a new sticky note color every day, and you'll start to see what you use every day (and what you don't!) so you can plan to include everything you need in your new tiny house!"


"Definitely: Navigating new implication of codes - regarding use of a tiny house in urban areas."


 Zyl Vardos Website

 Zyl Vardos Instagram

 Zyl Vardos Facebook

"Definitely: Navigating new implication of codes - regarding use of a tiny house in urban areas. Solving the siting ‘mystery’ will need a lot of folks to go talk to their representatives, city councils, etc - and work on coming up with rules that allow for this much-needed form of housing - And that are multifaceted (politically biodiverse) to accommodate folks of varying ages, races, and income levels. "

Abel Zyl


"Custom making a tiny house means you address future problems now, and find solutions that compliment the need."


 Tiny Heirloom Website

 Tiny Heirloom Instagram

 Tiny Heirloom Facebook

"The biggest “solution” for ANY tiny house problem, in my opinion, is customization. Half the problem or problems for tiny homes is figuring out what to do with someone elses idea of what a tiny house needs to be. Custom making a tiny house means you address future problems now, and find solutions that compliment the need. "

All the best,



 "Get rid of your junk."



  F9 Productions Website

 F9 Productions Facebook

"The biggest challenge is getting rid of most of your possessions in order to be able to live tiny.  Get rid of your junk. "

- Lance Cayko


"Most come to us very well educated and well versed in the problems that might arise. Solutions are there and part of the tiny community is sharing them with each other... generously and honestly."


 Seattle Tiny Homes Website

 Seattle Tiny Homes Instagram

 Seattle Tiny Homes Facebook

"I had to really think about this. Most people would immediately say "the downsizing is REAL" or "you have trouble finding places to park," but in general, I think our friends/customers and very aware of these obvious issues and each has prepared for them. I would venture that most people who take the "tiny leap" are very prepared for any challenge that comes their way because they are a unique subset of the population; ready to change their way of living and in doing so help change the world one tiny step at a time. Most come to us very well educated and well versed in the problems that might arise. Solutions are there and part of the tiny community is sharing them with each other... generously and honestly. These people are not easily deterred and don't seek a soft and easy life with zero challenges.

I never stop being amazed at the incredible individuals, all ages, from every walk of life, who choose to live tiny.

I don't know if that is the kind of answer you want, but it is my honest assessment of the folks who are going tiny right now. I know we all hear horror stories occasionally about ill prepared families that give up the tiny life because wow, the house is really small! Or people who get kicked out of their tiny home because angry law makers have ganged up on them. I honestly don't know any of these people, and for every scary story, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people living very successfully in the tiny life, quietly, with no press at all."


"I would say probably the biggest challenge is paring down all their possessions to fit into the tiny home."


 Timbercraft Tiny Homes Website

 Timbercraft Tiny Homes Instagram 

 Timbercraft Tiny Homes Facebook

" I would say probably the biggest challenge is paring down all their possessions to fit into the tiny home. The thing that is important to remember is that when you buy another item (shoes, dishes, furniture, etc) you usually need to remove something you have to make room for it. This limits the shopping and accumulating. For some this is easy but for some this can be a difficult. "


"Focus on building sustainably, no matter what sized house, toxin and import free if possible, and thus healthy housing for the future no matter what the size."

 Tiny Texas Houses Website

 Tiny Texas House Facebook

Most people are misled into thinking that there is enough air in the glorified Tin Houses on Wheels which are generally constructed with new building materials and no significant air exchangers on the structure.  The chemicals that outgas, besides the lack of enough air to be healthy for two people overnight if sealed up and being heated in the cold winter.  That is  important but ignored by most of the industry so buyers must beware for the three years to outgas the dangerous things like the formaldehyde, endocrine disruptive compounds, plasticizers, as well as other issues besides the hypoxia resulting from not having 500 gallons of air per person per hour just to be at rest, not exited, laughing, or making love though.  Focus on building sustainably, no matter what sized house, toxin and import free if possible, and thus healthy housing for the future no matter what the size.


"Go for highly usable space and make every square inch count."

 Tiny House Life Space Website

 Tiny House Life Space Instagram

 Tiny House Life Space Facebook

Living with less "stuff."  Generally the fear of living with less stuff is much more traumatic than the experience. Prioritize what's important to you, and choose the things you love. It's easier than you think. It also helps to be in a well-designed tiny house. Go for highly usable space and make every square inch count.

 James Polk- Architect and Founder

Tiny House Life Space


"When applying for an RV loan do not mention the words TINY HOUSE! That will kill the deal automatically. You're buying an RV. Hope this helps some. Its our biggest problem that we face daily when talking to people. "

 Tiny House Chattanooga Website

 Tiny House Chattanooga Instagram

 Tiny House Chattanooga Facebook

We find that the first big hurdle is financing. Its kills 1000 deals a year or more. Us being RVIA does help having access to RV loans but the requirements to qualify are strict. So we see good people with excellent credit, down payments, etc getting turned down to sufficient payment history. Most people have a 30% chance at best. which is disheartening. There is not a whole lot you can do to fix the situation unless you wait and pay on a house loan or something substantial. You could save for longer to have a bigger down payment possibly. Qualifying for a personal loan could help as well.  If your buying a truck to pull your home buy it after your RV loan. Car loans are much easier to get. When applying for an RV loan do not mention the words TINY HOUSE! That will kill the deal automatically. You're buying an RV. Hope this helps some. Its our biggest problem that we face daily when talking to people. 


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